Jon and Katie's Travels

We have finished our two years of service, but still: the contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps. Now on to adventures in Argentina, so read on!

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Location: Post Peace Corps, Traveling, Argentina

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bad Bloggers!

So, it's official. Katie and I are bad bloggers. We can't seem to post frequently enough... oh well, people will just have to get used to it I guess. Once in the Peace Corps, we may not be able to post very often at all.

I kept hoping for some big update. Meaning, where and when we are leaving, or at least that an invite was in the mail. That was being a bit optimistic though. Really, we have been told soon, and I know they mean it...but they are also very busy, and our leave date is still quite a ways off, so its right that we are a lower priority. Still, we can hope.

So, without that big piece of information, mostly we have been just getting used to the new situation. Getting all of our finances in order (including paying taxes...yuck!), and starting to plan some future trips. We did get to go visit our friends Calvin and Kerry up in Lava Beds NP. Great place, we will definately be visiting it a few more times in the future. Great lava tubes for exploring, especially once it get hot. While there we ran into an Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV). She was working there for the summer. She was posted down in Honduras, it was good to hear that she had a great time and highly recommended the whole experience.

Katie promises to post something about her time attending language school in Guatemala soon!


Blogger Dirty Flamingo said...

I think it's kind of hard to keep a Peace Corps oriented blog going with fresh material when you haven't left yet!

Who knows what kinds of stuff I've been filling my blog with for the past year!

I think I have quite a few entries about guessing where we will go, how many days it takes for a FedEx package to get from my house to the medical office and other random things like why June 5th is an appropriate day to tell our recruiter for our availability date.

(shoulder shrug)


1:40 AM  

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