Jon and Katie's Travels

We have finished our two years of service, but still: the contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps. Now on to adventures in Argentina, so read on!

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Location: Post Peace Corps, Traveling, Argentina

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Teeth Cleared Quickly

So, by tracking our medical packet, I know that it arrived at the Peace Corps office at 9:33am on Thursday the 26th. By the end of that same day, the PC had not only recorded our submission, but had actually reveiwed and cleared our dental! Not bad for the utimate bureaucracy. Of course it's the medical component that seems to cause the greatest grief for applicants. Still, it was nice to see that they had really moved on it.

I'm optimistic that the medical will get reveiwed quickly, I just hope there are no items that limit or make us cleared with contingency. In the coming week I'll probably call the medical screening assistant just to ensure they aren't going to need extra stuff from Katie... It would definately slow us down if they ask for something after she has left for Guatemala.


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