Jon and Katie's Travels

We have finished our two years of service, but still: the contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps. Now on to adventures in Argentina, so read on!

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Location: Post Peace Corps, Traveling, Argentina

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Two Keys

In many ways, that's the best symbol for how far we come down this new pathway... I only have two keys on my keychain... No more work keys, alarm cards, house keys, just the two car keys. That's all that nomads need.

No posts for awhile, we have been too busy. The last few weeks of getting out of the house were frantic! This was compounded by Katie leaving me to go down to Guatemala for three weeks :-) She had a lot of fun learning Spanish most days, but still having time to go horseback riding, salsa dancing, volcano clinbing... bah! Meanwhile I was busy cleaning up the house, and putting the final touches on the landscaping. Really though, Katie did the lion's share of work prior to departure... so no real complaints.

So, now I am up at Fall River Mills, starting to settle in... back living with the parents. Now, this may seem like a step backwards to some, but it is part of what we wanted to accomplish in our prior to Peace Corps departure time. One of our goals was to spend some quality time with family and friends. What better way than to live with them! Our space is coming together... I need Katie up here to put the final touches on things (her plane landed last night, but she won't get up here for another few days).

Meanwhile, I've been getting used to life without work, spending my time tying flies for the upcoming fishing season, planning some of the trips Katie and I will make once weather gets a little warmer, and contacting some friends that we want to take the time to see soon.

There was some contact with the Peace Corps during this time. I was asked to provide additional information on Katie's and my Spanish experience. It was rather satisfying to be able to say that Katie was currently down in Guatemala taking Spanish classes... The great thing about the whole exchange is that I really was able to line out a much more detailed list of our Spanish experience. By adding all of our time spent traveling in Spanish speaking countries, we looked way more impressive! The PC representative said it looked great and was very thorough, she also said that we should be hearing from the placement officer "soon". By soon she meant two weeks, and if we hadn't heard in a month, we should call. It will be two weeks this coming Tuesday....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ay, que bueno! La vida se dice "bum" en espanol?

Hehe. Sounds like you two are doing great. Espero que tengas mucho tiempo para divirtir con familia y amigos. (was that correct?) And I hope the rats are living it up as well. They must be bewildered about the move but ecstatic that you are around so much more.

I am sorry I missed your goodbye party (field work -sheesh!) but I will have to see you both off before you fly off into the great unknown.



3:21 PM  

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