Jon and Katie's Travels

We have finished our two years of service, but still: the contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps. Now on to adventures in Argentina, so read on!

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Location: Post Peace Corps, Traveling, Argentina

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Feliz Tarde from Antigua

So, this post is being written on the fly so to speak, from an internet cafe in Antigua Guatemala. We are on a "vacation". combining a little work and studying, with good food coffee and beer. The photos for this post are from our Feliz Tarde event at the school in our comunity. It was to raise funds and was mostly planned and instigated by Katie. It consisited of games, a movie, a dance, and lots of food. In these pictures you can see some of the food stalls, including the all important pupusas, the national food of El Salvador. On the right there, is a woman (one of the students mom), making the pupusas, and behind here you can see them frying on the grill. Up where we are they mainly come in two flavors, cheese, and bean and cheese. Elsewhere you can find a lot more variety, like chicharron, ayote, and loroco... all in various combinations with beans and cheese. The cheese is a special cheese called quesillo that is a bit like mozzarela (sp?). They only use it for pupusas, but I have started making lots of lasagna like things with it in our crock pot, and it works great!
To the left here is one of the better fund raisers we had. It is what is called a "canasta basica" or basic basket. You buy a basket (plastic) and fill it with all of the basic food requirements, like rice, beans, sardines, soda, ect... we gringos made up this basket and added a few stranger things, like juice and toilet paper... it was fun, and the winner got a lot of good stuff for the entry fee of a quarter (pronounced and spelled "cora" here in El Sal, where they use our money) a ticket. We made $86 on the "rifa" (raffle), good money which the school is thinking of using to help build a covered play area for the kids. One of the bigger projects they want for us to work on is a basketball "cancha" so that there will not just be a big muddy play area like there is now. This is a bit more costly, so we have to figure out how to raise or find the money.
Should have some more entries over the next few days, I brought more photos to show, but not the write probably not particularly well thought out entrys, but some good fun photos! Afterall, you guys probably get more out of the photos than what I write most of the time. With that, I will just end on a cute photo, that shows that the kids enjoyed the feliz tarde as much as we did. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...glad things are going well in Guate, after your rocky start! I got a ton of fundraising ideas at the Reconnect IST...when we meet up in LP remind me and I'll bring them. Salu pues.


12:58 PM  

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