Jon and Katie's Travels

We have finished our two years of service, but still: the contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps. Now on to adventures in Argentina, so read on!

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Location: Post Peace Corps, Traveling, Argentina

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Big Ice

Well, time to catch up on a lot of stuff. We have been in more rural parts, no wireless internet in our dorm room! So have about a weeks worth of stuff, pretty much all dealing with our time spent in different parts of "Parque Nacional del los Glacieres". Which of course means that the first thing we went to do was see a glacier, in this case Perito Moreno, one of the worlds few advancing glaciers.

This means it is still calving off into Lago de Argentina and occasionally making ice dams that hold back the water flow until they burst in a spectacular explosion of ice and sound. Unfortunately for us, we didn't witness anything like that. Still the sounds of the ice groaning and straining as it moves forward was eery. We did see some large chunks fall off into the water, but really the most impressive is just the size of the thing!
You can just sit around staring at it and not get bored. It's fascinating to think of all of the places I have been where this, ice, was the primary shaper of the environment I love. That it wasn't all that long ago, geologic time speaking, that much of the world as we know it was covered like this. Plus, looking at a real glacier like this one, you have to wonder if somewhere under all of that ice, there isn't some magical place like Yosemite valley waiting to be seen by whomever is here when it finally melts away.


Anonymous Yanira said...

Hola, espero estén muy bien.. Reciban siempre saludos de la Familia García Ochoa, Cantón El Centro, San Ignacio.. Erasmo, Raquel, Sandra, Yanira y Marvin.

12:40 PM  

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